Legacy is currently on show at Abbot Hall Museum
Kirkland, Kendal LA9 5AL
On display until 28 December 2024

Black British Artist; Plant Warrior

Warriors Inhabit Mind, Body and Spirit, 2021 (Abbot Hall Mueum collection)

Charmaine Watkiss; Black British Artist; Botanical legacy

The Knowledge Pool, 2024 and The Resorceful Adaptation of the Curative, 2024

Abbot Hall Museum; Black contemporary art

The Interchange, 2024

Abbot Hall Museum; emancipatory art; qilombo

The Interchange, 2024 and The Seed Sower's Almanack, 2022

African Cosmos; Black British Artist

The Seed Sowers Almanack, 2022

Abbot Hall Museum; Legacy Solo Show
Emancipatory art, afrofuturist, black woman artist

The Warriors Way: Recalling the Lost Legacies, 2022 (private collection, To Stand Independant and Proud I, 2022 (private collection), Saveguarding the sacred boundary of the bountiful, 2024

African ancestral art, Charmaine Watkiss, Spiritual art

A Sacred Case for Restitution I, 2022 and A Sacred Case for Restitution II, 2022

Emancipatory art, contemporary drawing, ethnobotanical art

Returning the Sacred Almanack, 2024

Plant warrior women, ethnobotanical art, emancipatory art

The Warrior Spins a Tale of Interconnected Histories, 2024 and The Warrior Traverses the Bridge Beyond All That Is Known, 2024

Abbot Hall Museum, Helen Stalker
Spirutual Art, Healing Art, Diaspora art

Witness, 2023
My installation commission for the 2023 Liverpool Biennial which is in the adjoining gallery.

'Abbot Hall presents Legacy, a solo exhibition by contemporary artist Charmaine Watkiss. Discover a collection of powerful drawings exploring the connection between people, legacy and nature
London-based artist Charmaine Watkiss (examines history and cultural tradition through the unifying language of plants and their properties. Inspired by historical research, Watkiss explores the relationship between ancestry, botany and the cosmos.
Drawing mainly with pencil, she adds colour and texture with watercolour and ink. Each piece shows how people and nature are intertwined, emphasising the importance of both biodiversity and cultural diversity.'
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