'Witness' is my installation for the 12th edition of the Liverpool Biennial 2023.
Drawing: The Return, 2018. Sculpture: A Prayer For safe Passage (commission for the Biennial), 2023.
Image credit above and below: Mark McNully.
Installation in the Victoria Gallery, Liverpool. Other artists at the same venue: Antonio Obá and Gala Porras-Kim.
Image on left: Oracle Of Our Forebears, 2023 (Biennial commission). Image on the right: The Return, 2018. Sculpture: A Prayer For Safe Passage, 2023 (Biennial Commission)

Ode to the Land of Wood and Water, 2023. Commissioned by Liverpool Biennial 2023.

Oracle of our Forebears, 2023. Commissined by Livepool Biennial 2023.

The Return, 2018
My installation called 'Witness’ was made for the 12th edition of the Liverpool Biennial.
‘uMoya: The sacred Return of Lost Things’ - the theme for the biennial; addresses the history and temperament of the city of Liverpool and is a call for ancestral and indigenous forms of knowledge, wisdom and healing. In the isiZulu language, ‘uMoya’ means spirit, breath, air, climate and wind.
‘uMoya: The sacred Return of Lost Things’ - the theme for the biennial; addresses the history and temperament of the city of Liverpool and is a call for ancestral and indigenous forms of knowledge, wisdom and healing. In the isiZulu language, ‘uMoya’ means spirit, breath, air, climate and wind.
The festival which runs from 17 June - 10 September 2023; explores the ways in which people and objects have the potential to manifest power as they move across the world, while acknowledging the continued losses of the past. It draws a line from the ongoing Catastrophes caused by colonialism towards an insistence on being truly Alive.
I was commissioned to create three works for the Biennial, Oracle Of Our Forebears, 2023, A Prayer For safe Passage (sculpture), 2023 and Ode to the Land of Wood and Water, 2023
Artists: Albert Ibokwe Khoza (South Africa); Antonio Obá (Brazil); Belinda Kazeem-Kaminski (Austria); Benoît Piéron (France); Binta Diaw (Senegal/Italy); Brook Andrew (Wiradjuri/Australia); Charmaine Watkiss (UK); David Aguacheiro (Mozambique); Edgar Calel (Guatemala); Eleng Luluan (Rukai Nation/Taiwan); Fátima Rodrigo Gonzales (Peru); Francis Offman (Italy/Rwanda); Gala Porras-Kim (Colombia/USA); Guadalupe Maravilla (El Salvador/USA); Isa do Rosário (Brazil); Julien Creuzet (Martinique/France); Katy'taya Catitu Tayassu (Brazil/France); Kent Chan (Singapore/The Netherlands); Lorin Sookool (South Africa); Lubaina Himid (UK); Lungiswa Gqunta (South Africa); Melanie Manchot (Germany/UK); Nicholas Galanin (USA); Nolan Oswald Dennis (South Africa/Zambia); Pamela Phatsimo Sunstrum (Botswana/Canada/The Netherlands); Rahima Gambo (Nigeria); Rahmi Hamzi (Palestine); Raisa Kabir (UK/Bangladesh); Ranti Bam (Nigeria/UK); Rudy Loewe (UK); Sandra Suubi (Uganda); Sepideh Rahaa (Iran/Finland); Shannon Alonzo (Trinidad & Tobago); Torkwase Dyson (USA); Unmute Dance Theatre (South Africa).